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We all know the photos of Jonathan Goldsmith. Well, we may not know him as Jonathan Goldsmith, but we certainly know him as the man behind the “Most Interesting Man In the World” commercials, sponsored by Dos Equis. The “Stay Thirsty, My Friends” guy, remember? He’s appeared in dozens of advertisements, and now, may be appearing in court, facing a breach of contract lawsuit from his former talent agent.


Goldsmith has allegedly failed to pay commissions to his former agent, and has been called a “deadbeat” for “failing to pay those directly responsible for one’s career success”, with the complaint from Jordan Lee, Inc. alleging that his title should be changed to the “Least Honorable Man in the Entertainment Business”. Those are indeed strong words for a lawsuit, and these allegations in civil court do make Goldsmith a bit more interesting.




The lawsuit alleges that Goldsmith, who landed the Dos Equis role in 2006, with continued appearances and residual payments through 2014, has failed to pay the 10% commission allegedly owed to his agent, this after grossing $929,000 this year alone. If this is true, Goldsmith will not be as able to afford those doting women on his yacht, and he certainly will have to tighten the old Dos Equis budget.


Looks like Goldsmith may have stayed thirsty, but he may have just been thirsty for more money than he was due.



Hello, I’m Claude Wyle. Have an idea for a topic you’d like to see covered here? Feel free to contact me or visit

One Comment

  1. Gravatar for Kevin Giffin
    Kevin Giffin

    NIce! Keep it up!

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