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They say that misery loves company, and if so, this might be one of the few times that San Francisco loves LA. A Los Angeles county bus collided with another vehicle last week in the Silver Lake neighborhood of Los Angeles, injuring 19 people, one critically.

San Francisco has had more than its share of Muni accidents, the latest of which involved an inbound L-Taraval smashing into an outbound K-Ingleside at the West Portal Station this July. In that accident, 4 people suffered severe injuries and 43 suffered moderate to severe injuries.

Fortunately, the Los Angeles accident was slightly less serious. Apparently the accident involving a Metropolitan Transportation Authority bus happened around 6 p.m. Friday. Ten people were taken to the hospital. One person was reported to be in critical condition. The other injuries were described as minor to moderate.

As personal injury attorneys, we are always distressed by accidents involving common carriers such as Muni. One of our main concerns is that the trauma may cause you to forgo your rights. When an injury is caused by a Muni bus, streetcar or cable car, a claim must be brought against the City within six months of the date of the accident. Know your rights!


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