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On May 27, 2009, a father and his nine-year old daughter were struck by a motorcycle that was being operated by a man under the influence of alcohol in Novato, CA, according to The nine-year old girl died from her injuries and the father is still in critical condition. As the father and daughter were crossing the street on a crosswalk, the impaired motorcyclist was speeding and ran a stop sign, subsequently hitting the two pedestrians. The motorcyclist was arrested for vehicular manslaughter while intoxicated, mayhem, and enhancement alleging infliction of great bodily injury during a felony.

Driving under the influence in any type of vehicle is illegal and extremely unsafe. Operating a motorcycle under the influence of alcohol can put the driver at an even higher risk for injury to themselves or to others. According to the Motorcycle Safety Foundation‘s Quick Tips for Alcohol Awareness:

Having any alcohol in one’s body increases the chance of crashing by five times.

Having a BAC greater than 0.05% increases the risk of crashing about forty-fold.

46 percent of all motorcyclists killed in crashes were using alcohol.

One fourth of all fatal alcohol-related motorcycle crashes involve motorcyclists running off the road, overturning, or falling from the motorcycle rather than striking another object.

The Motorcycle Safety Foundation has a helpful Riding Tips Handbook for those interested in learning more about motorcycle safety.

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