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The California Highway Patrol is requesting the public’s assistance in finding the driver of a Ford pickup truck which reportedly struck and killed a pedestrian in San Jose.

The San Jose truck accident occurred at approximately 8:45pm last Saturday night near Alum Rock and Harriet avenues.

The truck driver fled the scene after striking the pedestrian.

California Highway Patrol has identified the truck as a late-model Ford with oversized tires and is lightly colored. It may have a red stripe down the middle of the hood. No plate number is known.

If you have any information, please contact the CHP here:

Anyone following this blog knows that I have great disdain for hit and run drivers, particularly if they strike pedestrians or bicyclists. In my view, if you hurt someone and then leave them you are potentially creating even worse injuries and maybe actually causing a preventable death. This second act is to me an intentional act and worthy of far greater compensation and accountability than a negligent act. If you suspect a vehicle or a driver you have seen has been involved in an injury collision and that the driver has not stayed at the scene or contacted the authorities, please contact the authorities yourself and provide whatever identifying information you can about the driver or the vehicle. Call 911 right away. Someone’s life may depend on your quick action.


About the author: Claude Wyle is an aggressive advocate for San Francisco and Marin county pedestrians. Claude has decades of experience representing those harmed by the wrongful conduct of others, and has fought to protect the rights of injured people throughout his legal career. Have an idea for a topic you’d like to see covered here? Feel free to contact him: or visit

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