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A 25 year old pedestrian from Santa Rosa was hospitalized late last month in critical condition after being struck by a car on Middle Rincon Road and State Highway 12 in Sonoma County, according to official reports.

The man was crossing the street in a crosswalk when a dark-colored SUV ran a red light, striking the pedestrian.

The SUV fled the scene, found later at another collision on Highway 12 and Calistoga road. The driver, an 80 year old woman, had apparently no idea she hit the man.

“The involved pedestrian has been identified as Austin Polen, a 25-year-old resident of Santa Rosa…Polen suffered major head trauma and multiple broken bones. He is currently listed in critical condition at the hospital,” said a spokesperson for the police department in a report to local news.

Anyone with information about the crash is asked call Santa Rosa police Officer Jeff Adams at 707-543-3636.

This severely injured pedestrian must receive compensation for the injuries caused by this driver’s negligence. Obviously, this elderly driver must be made accountable for her careless conduct and her lack of awareness as she was driving. One issue I encounter often as a pedestrian accident lawyer is that elderly drivers often have inadequate insurance to cover the injuries that they cause. An experienced personal injury attorney will explore the personal assets of the offending driver because many people buy one insurance policy at one time in their life, and never bother to change their liability limits, even though the value of their property may have increased substantially over the years. A careful personal injury expert knows how to find hidden assets of defendants and knows how to work out solutions where it doesn’t at first seem like there will be enough insurance coverage for the at fault driver. And, once again, I urge everyone to buy much bigger policy limits for your liability coverage and for your uninsured underinsured coverage.


Hello, I’m Claude Wyle, a San Francisco pedestrian accident attorney Have an idea for a topic you’d like to see covered here? Feel free to contact me or visit


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