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salmonella outbreak linked to raw turkey has sickened 13 people in California, 164 nationally, causing the federal Centers for Disease control and Prevention to issue warnings for all those hoping to keep Turkey on the menu this thanksgiving: be extra careful – This outbreak is a reminder that raw turkey products can have germs that spread around food preparation areas and can make you sick.

And they’re right to warn. This form of salmonella is drug-resistant, and already linked to the death of one in California.

The outbreak has not been linked to a single supplier of raw turkey, leading experts to believe the strain may be widespread throughout the turkey industry.

The CDC isn’t recommending recalls, or that people not buy or serve turkey, but instead to be sure that your hands are thoroughly washed after handling raw turkey and that its fully cooked before eating. In addition, be sure that all counters, cutting boards, utensils, and other things that come in contact with raw turkey are washed thoroughly, and that food items are separated from Turkey to avoid cross contamination, the CDC advises.

While most food poisoning including Salmonella and E. Coli leads to horrible yet short lived illness, sometimes serious medical complications can occur, and in very rare circumstances, death. If you have suffered food poisoning due to contaminated food, you should consult a food safety lawyer in the state where the contamination occurred.


Hello, I’m Claude Wyle, a San Francisco food safety attorney. Have an idea for a topic you’d like to see covered here? Feel free to contact me or visit


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