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Just as San Francisco’s MUNI was defending its safety record, another MUNI accident occurred causing multiple personal injuries. This incident highlights the debate happening right now at the state level concerning MUNI’s safety.

I have been saying for years that MUNI has ongoing safety issues as MUNI has been found negligent by juries and others many times in the past. MUNI operators should be concentrating on defensive driving yet everyone who walks, rides or bikes in San Francisco must defend themselves and their families against MUNI! Is there anyone in San Francisco who has not seen a MUNI bus run a red light?

California Public Utilities Commission will make the decision whether or not to penalize San Francisco’s Metropolitan Transit Agency for alleged violations of key safety regulations on its rail system, including defective tracks and a malfunctioning automatic train control system.

Even though I am a San Francisco MUNI Accident Attorney, I am not alone in criticizing MUNI for too many at fault accidents. Many believe that MUNI has been dragging its feet on fixing persistent problems. Safety should be the number one concern of any public transit system. Let’s hope that a little tough scrutiny will improve MUNI safety.

MUNI is made up of the following vehicles: buses, LRVs, street cars, cable cars and electric buses. MUNI vehicles are often involved in serious accidents, causing injury or wrongful deaths to pedestrians, motorists, motorcyclists, bicyclists and MUNI riders alike.

If you or someone you know has been injured in a MUNI accident, please call me and I’d be happy to speak with you free of charge to explain your options.


  1. Gravatar for Ray Denonville
    Ray Denonville

    I have photographed hundreds of Light Rail Trains running red lights at every signalized intersection in Denver. I have posted some of my work online, Google my name: Ray Denonville. The Light Rail Train speeds, runs red lights, travels the wrong way on one-way-strets where there use to be additional traffic lanes and parking meters. The Light Rail Train operates without liability insurance, R.R.Crossing Gates, warning signals and signs that do not meet D.O.T. rules. Whenever an accident occurs resulting in injury or death the authorities always blame whoever is injured or killed by the Light Rail Train. The authorities determine the traffic lights are functioning properly and that the Light Rail Train is ART (Automated Rapid Transist) The city is liable through politics and the Department of Public Works for issuing dangerous right-of-way to keep those $billions of Dollars in federal grant money rolling to the city to distribute to the politically connected in exchange for politcal contributions to politicians. I have never seen the police ever once pull over a commutter bus or Light Rail Train. In the neighborhood where I live the bicycle police sneek up on people and ticket them for spitting on the sidewalk and then make a comical scene of humilation of the person for spitting on the sidewalk in front of a bunch of Crack Dealers that laugh histarically. All the public restrooms are closed to do graffiti vandals. If you have to take a leak in the alley and the police catch you, it is a sex crime you will be charged with. You will have to register as a sex crimes criminal wherever you live for five years; this guarantees federal grant money for the police and encourages the police to catch people urinating in the alley to charge them with sex crimes. This is why the police do not enforce public transportation laws and why the police charge with sex crimes those caught urinating in the alley; it's about keeping those federal Grant dollars flowing to the city and the police.

  2. Gravatar for Joseph Dang
    Joseph Dang

    With no accountability there will be no change. Who foots the bill when MUNI is sued? Are the drivers penalized personally in any way? Is there push back from enablers when you go after them?

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